How To Edit Or Delete Routine In Alexa App

How To Edit Or Delete Routine In Alexa App
How To Edit Or Delete Routine In Alexa App

If you’re using the Alexa app to control your smart home, you probably use a lot of its features. But did you know that you can also edit or delete routines?

How To Edit Or Delete Routine In Alexa App
How To Edit Or Delete Routine In Alexa App

This is an important feature if you want to keep your smart home tidy and organized, and it’s easy to do with just a few simple steps. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of editing or deleting a routine in the Alexa app.

How To Create, Edit, And Delete A Routine In Amazon Alexa App

If you find that a routine isn’t working well for you, there are a few ways to fix it. You can either edit it and try it out, or delete it and create a new one. Let’s take a look at how to do each of these things.

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Create A Routine In Amazon Alexa App

To create a new routine in the Alexa app, follow the steps given below:

1. Open the Alexa app on your phone.

2. Tap on the “Three Horizontal Lines” icon at the bottom right corner.

Go To Alexa App Menu

3. Select the “Routines” option.

Alexa App Routines

4. Tap on the “Create Routine” icon.

Create Routine In Alexa App

5. Select the “Enter Routine Name” option and give your routine a name.

Add Routine Name In Alexa App

6. Tap on the “When This Happens” option and select a routine trigger.

Add A Trigger In Alexa App

7. Choose from Voice, Schedule, Smart Home, Location, Alarms, Echo Button, Sound Detection, and Guard.

Select A Trigger In Alexa App

8. Select the “Add Action” option.

Add An Action In Alexa App

9. Now, select an “Action” you want to execute after the trigger occurs.

Select An Action In Alexa App

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Edit A Routine In Amazon Alexa App

In order to edit an existing routine in the Alexa app you need to follow the steps given below:

1. Open the Alexa app on your phone.

2. Tap on the “Three Horizontal Lines” icon at the bottom right corner.

Edit A Routine In Alexa App

3. Select the “Routines” option.

Go To The Routines Section In Alexa App

4. Select the “Existing Routine” your want to edit.

Select The Existing Routine

5. Tap on “Change” to change the routine name.

Change The Routine Name In Alexa App

6. Select “view/edit” to change the routine trigger.

Change Trigger In Alexa App

7. Tap on the “Minus” icon to remove the existing action.

Remove Existing Action In Alexa App

8. Tap on the “Plus” icon to add a new action.

Add New Action In Alexa App

Delete A Routine In Amazon Alexa App

Deleting a routine from the Alexa app is one of the easiest tasks, follow the steps below to do this in a few seconds:

1. Open the Alexa app on your phone.

2. Tap on the “Three Horizontal Lines” icon at the bottom right corner.

Delete A Routine In Amazon Alexa App

3. Select the “Routines” option.

Head To The Routines Section In Alexa App

4. Select the “Existing Routine” you want to Delete.

Select The Existing Routine To Delete

5. Tap on the “Three Dots” icon in the top right corner.

Tap On The Three Dots Icon In Alexa App

6. Select the “Delete Routine” option.

Delete Routine In Alexa App

All Amazon Alexa Triggers You Need To Know

  • Voice
  • Schedule
  • Smart Home
  • Location
  • Alarms
  • Echo Button
  • Sound Detection
  • Guard

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All Amazon Alexa Actions You Should Try Once

  • Customized
  • Smart Home Devices
  • Alexa Skills
  • Music & Podcasts
  • Alexa Says
  • Audible
  • Calendar
  • Date and Time
  • Weather
  • Device Settings
  • Fire TV
  • News
  • Notifications
  • Send Announcement
  • Alexa Sounds
  • Traffic
  • Wait

Wrapping Up

By now you should be convinced that the Alexa app is your best friend if you want to manage your home’s smart devices.

Just simply navigate to the right menu, add or delete routines, and get busy! You can also edit a routine in case you’ve made a mistake when adding or saving it wrong in the first place!

Do you know how to edit or delete routines? Share with us and we’ll keep this guide updated as new features are added down the road.

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Aman Panchal

A tech fanatic with a hunger for knowledge in the ever growing field of technology. Keen interest in customizing Android device and watching more Netflix than people.